Late season big-game hunting:
Videos aim to help you fill tags and elevate your methods
Join Tom Ryle with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife as he walks through tips and tactics for the rest of the fall big game hunting seasons with two how-to videos.
With late modern firearm, archery, and muzzleloader hunting seasons for deer and elk still on the table, in addition to bear and cougar hunting, Tom shares strategies for focusing your hunts for these animals to help you fill a tag this year.
This first video covers an array of big-game essentials, from homing in on feeding, bedding, and cover areas to glassing, calling, in-season scouting, the rut, and more.
In his second video, Tom brings you into the field for a demonstration on the safe and effective use of treestands to help you get your big game hunting off the ground.
This video reviews portable treestand use, safety, set-up, climbing methods, harnesses, and more, so you can give treestand hunting a try.
We here at WDFW hope you have a great hunting season. Stay safe and good luck out there!